Alchester Business Systems - Testimonials about WHY clients use us
Below, are a few examples of what clients have to say, and their experiences where Alchester's help has improved their business.
We help demystify what is included in some of the products offered in the market place today, by taking the time to research and explain what is in the fine print or comes bundled with new technologies.
"Alchester helped us save over $13,000 by project managing the upgrade of our Head Office servers and network. They outlined the choices available for the specific applications we needed for running our successfully growing Home Building company. By gaining a better understanding of the tools and facilities available from adopting certain types of computer server technology, we were able to enjoy access to our favoured software without having to buy some otherwise very expensive access licenses and products. Alchester looked ahead to future plans we had too, and realised that future branches would also need to access our vital business data. By giving us the right products ahead of time, we were able to expand our business to new branches and have access to business information. Alchester looked after the big picture....."

....... Peter Di Iorio.
General Manager. Hometec Industries Pty Ltd. (Narre Warren, Victoria)
Alchester has been involved with this client since the mid 1990's. Activities include providing systems, CAD, Accounting, Office Software, and handling the growth of the business with relevent I.T. Assistance includes its relocation to new premises many times over the years, and responding to all manner of telecommunications, networking, software and hardware queries for their local and remote staff throughout Geelong and Melbourne areas.
"..... but over the years I have just tended to leave any "I.T." to you and assume it is under control. Just wanted to let you know I really appreciate everything you do for us, and me."

....... Ken Denning.
Director. Action Fire Services Australia. (Richmond, Victoria)
Sometimes, it is those little things that our clients appreciate, like understanding their business and the business needs, and helping out in areas that really benefit their operations - sharing the contacts and knowledge that Alchester has in its own circle of business contacts. In this example, Alchester, as a gesture, helped with the promotion and awareness of this client's business through some colleagues in the hospitaility/tourism industry.
"Thanks, Gary! Thats great! "You do take care of everything! ....."
....... Ulrich Koob,
Owner/Restauranteur, Muttis Restaurant (Carlton, Victoria)

Businesses located in a new industrial estate found themselves without formidable internet services, (no ADSL, no cable, poor wireless) and approached Alchester to ascertain just what alternatives were available. Many residents had already ventured into some alternative services that were failing, intermittent or plainly inadequate, or had jumped into very expensive long term contracts for overkill technology.
"Rather than walking away from the issue or just selling another inferior option like so many others had in the area, Alchester encouraged us to consider and understand exactly what the problem technically was, and to use a short term, non-committal fallback service whilst proper solutions were provided. Alchester put in considerable personal effort to review the needs of local residents, and looked at all available technologies for us. They determined the problem was the local cabling in the area being too far away from the nearest exchange - which explained why so many neighbouring businesses were having trouble making connections. After dealing with developers, providing open information to property owners, local tenants, infrastructure managers of the estate, and a whole range of ISP and (related) service providers in the industry, they convinced Telstra to run an alternative copper cable in a more direct route between the new estate area and the local exchange.
As a result, we were able to connect to business broadband, and business has never looked back since.
I would personally recommend Alchester to any firm wanting to get vital business problems solved properly and professionally."
....... John Traynor,
Director. Logistics Recruitment Industrial. (Laverton, Victoria)
In another example, Alchester was there on the spot with suitable standby equipment to ensure an automated Timber Routing production line kept running when a controlling workstation died. Understanding the technology, but moreso, also the ramifications of failure on a business, is what gives Alchester the edge in helping clients in times of need. Sometimes special, rare equipment is not locally supported, and Alchester provides that important intermediary role of support.
"Alchester recognised we needed to quickly work out why our fully automated kitchen production line equipment had stopped. They recognised that production and deadlines were the real problem - not just some broken machine. They were able to pin-point the problem, obtained some standby equipment, transferred the necessary systems and data, and had us back on the air after only hours and we met our production schedules on time......"
....... Joseph Di Iorio.
General Manager Sunset Kitchens (Victoria)
That is what Alchester does - gets involved and sorts systems out, when customers ask.
".......... At Alchester: We take care of everything!" ....... Why not email us now or call (03) 97626293