How Alchester helps you deploy into the Cloud or stay Inhouse when required
Alchester assists its customers with considering Cloud (Data Centre External Managed Servers/Services) as an alternative to operating in-house servers, where the application, budget and security suits.
Some production environments simply don't permit consideration of a Cloud solution, and in those situations, suitable in-house infrastructure is needed, and Alchester can assist with this solution as well, by introducing the appropriate technologies and skilled partners to suit. Examples include real-time warehousing and intensive workflow scenarios that require local dedicated application servers/processes, or those that can not tolerate a communications delay/outage.
At a desktop application level, there are also highly interactive applications that do not lend themselves to a Cloud solution, such as 3D modelling, rendering, and or similar intensive graphic type desktop applications to name one such situation.
Outside of these exceptions, and where there is a special focus on powerful Unix based operating systems, Alchester can assist with:
Technology components
Review of purpose for
Cloud adoption
Virtualisation Technology options
Software distributions
and update policies
SaaS PaaS DaaS environments
load balancing
Selection of appropriate
DataCentre location
Consideration of
Criteria to consider
Budget / ROI.
Compatibility with other processes.
Support, in line with
production expectations. Performance/response times.
Integration into other
applications/workflows. Reliability and vendor
support and reputation.
Cpu performance adjustment.
Dependent memory tailoring.
Network bandwidth scaling.
Storage growth and expandability.
Multiple user growth.
Security and Backup
Backup, Snapshots, Disaster.
Recovery, Mirroring. Failover, fallback, recovery processes.
Offsite/offline disaster archives
(data and systems). Development, testing and
production environments. Alerts, reporting, monitoring facilities.